Happy New Year! I thought a long long time about what to write. The one topic which connects and limits us all these days is Covid-19. But to be honest, another time reading about this? After being exposed to it on a almost minute basis? I could tell you some of the more beautiful stories during the pandemic period. There is for example Tom Moore, British colonel, WWII veteran, who managed to raise 18 million pounds for the British health care, he became the oldest person (100 years old) to score a UK number one song and received the knighthood last year. But again, didn’t we all hear about this already? So many TV shows are busy showing us the upsides of the pandemic that it is almost impossible to share a completely new story.
I could tell you about the ways how I try to cope with our current situation. For instance, since march 2020 I started painting, drawing, meditating, yoga, writing songs and poems, doing an insane amount of sports on almost daily basis, trying to call all my closest friends every two three days, planning my future, planning and looking for adventures to do as soon as everything goes back to normal, playing guitar, learning Italian, listening to podcasts about free will or stoicism, reading books I have never thought about reading before. In addition to that, I (finally) have a lot of time with my family. To understand this fully, you must know I am a vagabond, a wanderer or to describe a bit more poetically in my heart lives a restless migratory bird which gets bored very quickly and wants to change the environment as soon as the sun goes down. Thus, my heart always torn apart, between yelling at me for change and missing my beloved family.
But for real, does it really interest you? Every time someone else tells me how fruitful the lockdowns are and what beautiful things they manage to achieve I feel a slight bit like a failure. Yes of course, I manage to find new activities for myself as well, but there are countless hours in which I think “what the actual fuck is this life right now”. Yes, there are some good things about this time, but obviously, as all of us, I want my and life to go back to normal as soon as possible. I understand that the current measurements are necessary, and completely appropriate, but I’m a very impatient person so want it to go back to normality NOW. I cannot change it, so I try to survive – as all of us.
So, what do I want to tell you about this time? Let’s call it sharing three of the brightest lights in my life right now. I became uncle last April, my big brother got one of the first “lockdown-babies”, you can’t imagine how cute and beautiful he is. Playing with him, who am I kidding even observing him stops the time from passing. When he smiles or laughs at me the sun rises. Even though he is only 8 months old he already started walking. I am the cool type of uncle, who does things his parents don’t want to do with him, obviously to make sure he likes me. I’m looking forward to his first words already, I’m taking all measurements to make sure they are “Uncle Lucas” 😉.
Besides my nephew, my parents have two new kittens, Elfie and Willie, and they are gorgeous, very tame and suuuuuuper cuddly. Everything one wants from a cat – am I right? I had many hamsters and rabbits during my childhood but never really bonded with any of them. Elfie is a little tricolor cat, which chose me to be her companion. She basically purrs as soon as she sees me and sleeps often enough snoring like snorlax on my chest. It is the first time I share this type of love with and for an animal. It feels like a little miracle that she chose me.
I’m very grateful that I have the privilege of feeling all this love for my family, my nephew and our two newest family members. Even though I found so many new things to do, my family and their love are the reasons why I’m still sane.